
A great weekend was had by all at the DB rally in Auxerre mid June by all accounts with 6 Piper barges taking part.

Elysium 65L
Elysium 65L Piper Boats Auxerre Dutch Barges

Micmac 57N

Auxerre Piper Boats 57N Dutch Barges micmac

Amarok 55N

55N Amarok Dutch Barge Auxerre Piper Boats

Hilda May 55N

Hilda May Piper Boats 55N Dutch Barge Auxerre DBA Rally

Millie 49M

Auxerre Piper Boats Dutch Barge 49M Millie

Ascension & Steel Away were in the thick of things at Henley Royal Regatta at the beginning of July and the prosecco was flowing a plenty.